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In case of a problem

Contact us

The phone service is available at the number: +33951142874.


The digitized transportation contract is protected by the Intellectual Property Code.

"SASU Capitaine et Management Yacht" is registered under the patent number.

Intellectual Property Code: Articles L111-1 to L343-7.

Any infringement in France of works published in France or abroad is punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros. The same penalties apply to the sale, export, import, transshipment, or possession for the purpose of distributing counterfeit works.

The only company authorized to distribute digitized transportation contracts for small and large pleasure craft is the company "Capitaine et Management Yacht".

Maritime manager approved by the commercial court no. 2022B03710. Administrator and DSN declarant. Updated on 06/30/2024.

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